Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Part 1: no levels mean no progression?

A common question regarding TRO, deals with how progression will work in a MMO that has no central character level system.

In TRO there are different kinds of progression still in effect with everything you do. I will list a few of them below.

*Fractals - in TRO we are moving more away from traditional character progression being the main form of progression, to a new age were Faction and Team/Group progression is more important. As you play and complete hard task like dungeons and Raids, and other task, you will be rewarded with different kind of Fractals, which are form of resource used for building up your faction. Each of the faction's many races have their own Capital City and towns which first have to be built up from nothingness using the fractal resources. Collect them and turn them in to the city builder and chose which project the resource goes to regarding building your faction's capital city and towns. These locations can be damaged and cost resources to repair. So it's always a good idea to keep your towns and cities well defended in the case of threat.

*Weapons & Armor - weapon and armor progression is a minor part the progression system, but its still in effect. Better crafters who have the player skill to make top quality items will be a stronger than items made from less skilled crafters. But resources may also be the cause. Some fights may require certain stats on gear and special runes to ward off dark magic auras that have been known to take down even the strongest of heroes.

*Abilities - in TRO you start off as your character's class. But just because you have no traditional levels, doesn't mean you start off with all your class spells and abilities unlocked. Each player has their own unique pre-designed check list of things they need to do in the game world to unlock certain spells and abilities. So one player of the same class may have a goal to do an event in which they drive off a skeleton champion and its minions who are trying to destroy a village. In the end, the player is rewarded a new shout skill called "Fear Justice" which causes evil creatures to run in fear. But another player of the same class may be required destroy a demonic temple shrine and clear out the location of evil to unlock that same ability. So each player has their own unique set of requirements to unlock class skills beyond the starter class skills and the skills you get from talent tree association from day 1. Each of these skills that are unlockable are set to an unknown requirement in the game. So players are best advised to simply play and unlock skills as a reward for playing and having fun, rather than the other way around.

*Event & Story - the world is full of events and long chained storyline events. Some events are small, and some events stretch across zones and even across the world. Meta-Events have phases to them as they progress. These events require large scale team work and tactics to complete due mainly to the cross world objectives that effect each other. For example, say you and your raid of allies are charging forward to defeat the Skeletal Champion in its fortress. But as you get deeper in, you and your allies notice the gate is locked and a portal continues to spawn dangerous creatures into the world. You send a few of your shouts through the dark portal, and come to discover the portal leads to a bordering zone location'sTower of Darkness. This tower is guarded by powerful creatures that require a raid army to take down. Another raid from your faction goes to venture into the tower to discover a way to open the gate of the fortress so the first raid group may pass through to challenge the Skeleton Champion. At the top of the tower, they discover the key to gate. But it is also guarded by a powerful witch, and her unlimited minions of death which she summons. The only way to stop her and open the gate, is for the first raid to continue to destract the powerful Death Channelers in the fort, who are channeling energy to the witch in the other zone, who happens to have the key to unlocking the final gate in the fort. Fights like this in the world require cross zone tactics and cooperation between faction members. They are have the same goal. Defend their faction and destroy all other factions. PvE is a large cooperation, not competition. There are many more cross world events like this. 1 group can't do it all alone.

*Skills - there are no character levels, there are skills points. There are many different skills to learn. Skills as they develop over the course of actions, unlock new ways to play the game. Some skills may be needed for figuring out puzzles in the world, or for piloting ships. There are a large list of skills to learn and develop.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Classes of TRO


*Demon Hunter


*Witch Doctor

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Lore: The Ashe Haven

10,000 years ago, when the races of the world were young, The gods of the world marveled over their creation. Each god wanting to make lifeforms in their own image. The beautiful and wrathful cat goddess created the Leon, a race of fierce bipedal felines warriors of nature to rule over the other races of the world. The Cat goddess and her kin dominated the land with powerful rune cursed seals, guarded by her powerful celestial sphinx guards.

The Nubians were the first to fall to fierce of enslavement of the Leon kingdom.
The Nubians a race of bipedal wolf like beings, were created in the image of the Anubis, god of Life and Death, and older brother of the wrathful cat goddess.

For centuries the Nubians were forced to build tall monuments, to the cat goddess and her kin. The Nubian built the marvelous city in the shape of a golden pyramid for their Leon kings and queens. 

From the ashes of the hot desert, arose a mysterious Nubian hero, who brought forth the magic of death and life as a union together, in the form of a magical enchanted scythe. Legends say this hero is incarnation of Anubis's son, who brings his father's power into the world from the spirit realm. The mystical scythe cursed the cat kingdom with a plague of death, breaking the seals one by one with his army of Nubian followers. As the final seal broke, the Cat goddess' blessing of eternal youthfulness over the Leon, was weakened, and spread to the Nubians, slowing the rate that they age. The Hero died in the final battle with the cat goddess's sphinx.

the Nubians took control of the great golden pyramid, and been in control ever since.
The Hero was berried in with the powerful Scythe in a chamber of diamond at the top of the city to shield the city and the people.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dungeon Maker: Adding the tools to the players

Developer's dungeons are all about quality. But this does not limit players from creating dungeons of both Quality and Fun as well.

Developer's content takes time, to make sure it fits the best quality.

But player numbers and minds, are far greater number than the number of developers in a single game.

With this in mind, we introduce Dungeon Designer Tool for The Reckoning Online.

Players can map out and design 3D dungeons, and Monster layouts as well as how fights work, and everything in between.

Players can rate the player made dungeons, which will submit them to the Developer's circle here at Knighthonor, and we will select dungeons to become permanent holds, with added Developer's polish at the creators request. For example, things like Voice Overs, and sounds.

This adds an unlimited amount of content for players and their groups to do in the game.

Dungeons can be made of all group types of the following:
*Party Dungeons (10 player groups)
*Novice Raid Dungeons ( 20 player groups)
*Heroic Raid Dungeons ( 30 player groups)
*Legendary Raid Dungeons (40 player groups)


Friday, April 6, 2012

Monster Play: Two PvE factions, with a twist of Three PvP factions

The Reckoning Online, features a unique Monster Gameplay mode.

Players from the Vanguard and Legion, can be summmoned to control creatures of evil, and reck havoc on the two factions in a massive three faction war in the persistent world.

Each player can create a monster character that the player can join on at any time in the world.

But there will also be unique monsters throughout the world that players can mount the controls for. Some of these monsters, may be a giant boss creature of madness and destruction.

Some units may be lesser bosses, with minion army units guarding them, which are also under the player's control.

PvE is handled in another format. The PvE instances are grouped by traditional faction only grouping.
But some world fights, can be controlled by players in monster mode, who acts as a dungeon master in a traditional Table Top RPG. They may be given a more RTS view point for directing monster units, or they can be in the third person view, to control the monster individually.

What's more challeging, than a Monster, with the intelligence of a player?

Player made content: Dungeon Designer

The Reckoning Online will feature a dungeon editor, to allow players to build great dungeon experiences for other players to enjoy.

Players can rate and vote up other player's dungeons, in terms of quality, difficulty, fun, and surprise.

The editor feature the following:

*Different room shapes and sizes that can be put together.

*Unique immersive skin themes for each room. Can make it look like a jungle, or a cave, and many more.

*NPC customizer- which allow you to pick which skills a npc has, as well as their look. You can assign when a NPC should use which skill, and on who (tank-most threat, dps-most damage, healer-most healing). The Health pool, as well as the damage can be adjusted. Designer can choose which effects npc are immune to as well as how much mana and damage reduction from armor that a npc may have

*Boss designer- similar to the NPC customizer.

*Traps- different kinds of traps, that can be hard to detect, or easy to detect.

*Events- sometimes a player may want to send waves of enemies at the group. The dungeon maker can control do just that. The Events- wave defense, object defense, timers, healing objectives, and many more.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The World of TRO

The world needs player changing effects to make players feel attached to their virtual world for immersion. In TRO, we will have Dynamic Events of many play styles and requirements. Events spawn at random, and some can be triggered by player actions.

There are many areas to explore. With both Naval and Air travel and combat in the game, players can venture as far as the eye can see.

The world of TRO, is split up into two standard styles. One of the land masses is designed to be more traditional in the themepark MMORPG design.
The other parts of the World are fully Sandbox. Meaning players can build, expand land, lay out turf, grow things, dig up caves, and many other things. These areas start off as preassigned land masses, but its up to the player's imagination on how they will shape this land.

We want the world to be open and full of life. And seamless persistent.